SEO (Search Engine Optimization) practices have evolved significantly over the years, with "old" SEO referring to traditional methods that were more focused on keyword stuffing, link quantity over quality, and manipulation of search engine algorithms. "New" SEO, on the other hand, emphasizes user experience, high-quality content, and natural link building. Here's a more detailed comparison.


Keyword stuffing:

This involved cramming as many keywords as possible into website content, meta tags, and headers, with the aim of manipulating search engine rankings.

Low-quality content:

Content was often created solely for search engines, lacking in depth, relevance, and value to the user.

Manipulative link building:

Old SEO often relied on acquiring links from low-quality and irrelevant websites through tactics like link exchanges, link farms, and paid links.

Poor user experience:

Websites were designed primarily to appeal to search engine algorithms rather than providing a good user experience. This could include slow loading times, irrelevant content and intrusive ads.


User-focused content: New SEO prioritizes high-quality, relevant content that provides value to users. This means focusing on creating content that answers users' queries, addresses their needs, and engages them effectively.

Natural keyword usage:

Instead of keyword stuffing, new SEO emphasizes natural and strategic placement of keywords within content, metadata, and headers.

Quality link building:

New SEO focuses on earning links from reputable and relevant websites through content marketing, guest blogging, influencer outreach, and creating link-worthy content.

Mobile optimization:

With the increasing use of mobile devices, new SEO places a strong emphasis on optimizing websites for mobile users, including responsive design, fast loading times, and mobile-friendly navigation.

Technical SEO:

New SEO also includes technical aspects such as website speed optimization, proper URL structure, schema markup, and ensuring crawlability and indexability for search engines.

In summary, old SEO tactics focused on gaming search engine algorithms, while new SEO prioritizes creating valuable content and providing a positive user experience to improve organic search rankings in a more sustainable and long-term manner.

How new technology affecting SEO in 2024

Voice search optimization:

With the rise of voice-enabled devices and virtual assistants, SEO strategies are adapting to optimize content for natural language queries and conversational search.

AI and machine learning:

Search engines are increasingly utilizing AI and machine learning algorithms to understand user intent and deliver more personalized search results, requiring SEO efforts to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content.

Video and visual search:

The popularity of video content and visual search technologies necessitates SEO strategies that incorporate optimization techniques for videos, images, and other visual media to enhance visibility in search results.

Mobile-first indexing:

Search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their indexing and ranking algorithms, making mobile optimization essential for SEO success.

Local SEO advancements:

Enhanced location-based technologies and local search features require businesses to optimize their online presence for local searches, including local listings, reviews, and geotargeted content.

Block chain and decentralized search:

Emerging block chain-based search engines and decentralized web technologies may disrupt traditional search engine dominance, prompting SEO professionals to adapt to new platforms and algorithms

It is important to continuous adaptation of SEO strategies to leverage emerging trends and technologies for improved visibility and rankings in search engine results.

We Shubh Technology always focus on new trends and technology to get better ranking on the search engines for our clients.